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Contrary to Initial Fears, 澳博官方网站app Thriving in 哥伦布 20 Years after Bank One Merger



Like other elected officials and business leaders 20 years ago, Michael B. Coleman, then-哥伦布 mayor, was on edge about the then-proposed merger of Bank One and 澳博官方网站app & Co. 以及它对12500名第一银行员工的影响.

“There was the possibility that they would move the jobs someplace,” Coleman recalled. “这是我真正担心的. 我真的很担心. 坦白说,我有几个不眠之夜.”

Rather than coming out against the merger as many others had, Coleman took another approach. 他去了第一银行位于芝加哥的总部,会见了年轻的首席执行官, 杰米•戴蒙他于2000年接任汇丰首席执行官一职.

在与戴蒙漫长的会面中, 科尔曼表达了他对哥伦布市就业问题的担忧, the future of Bank One and what would happen after the merger with 澳博官方网站app closed.

“我可以支持,科尔曼说,他把合并的事告诉了戴蒙, “if I can get assurance that 哥伦布 will be the behemoth of job development of the merged company.

“He looked at me, and paused and thought about it, and he said, ‘OK, but I need your support.’ ... 这就是真正的握手. 他看着我的眼睛,我看着他的眼睛. 我们握了手.”

现在是一月二十日. 14, 2004, merger announcement (the merger was completed July 1, 2004), 澳博官方网站app & Co. has grown to become the city’s largest private employer with about 18,000 workers. 大通在哥伦布市的平均年薪为10万美元.

Only New York state (29,500 workers) and Texas (26,400) have more 追逐 workers than the 20000名工人 银行在俄亥俄州的分行.

200万平方英尺 真正的中心 at Polaris where 12,000 追逐 employees work is the bank’s largest building.

戴蒙, 面临多方面的压力, including in 哥伦布 where he resisted calls to bring back the Bank One headquarters, told The Dispatch in an interview this month that if the merger between Bank One and 澳博官方网站app worked well then 哥伦布 would benefit.

“我说,‘看看我们现在的处境,’”戴蒙说. “我们的目标是为客户做好工作,仅此而已. 这就是我们的目标! If we do a great job for customers, we will do a great job for employees with jobs and opportunity.”

至于科尔曼, he said he can’t say enough about how 戴蒙 lived up to the handshake deal the two struck. Other handshake deals that he has made over the years haven’t worked as well, he said.



戴蒙 became CEO of Bank One a few months after the abrupt resignation of 约翰B. 麦科伊,经营第一银行的第三代麦科伊家族成员.

戴蒙 came to a bank plagued by infighting between the boards of Bank One and First Chicago after their $29 billion merger in 1998, 这是美国第三大银行交易. It was that combination that led to the relocation of Bank One’s headquarters from 哥伦布 to Chicago, 这激怒了哥伦布的许多人.

McCoy backed 戴蒙’s selection as CEO, and even talked of recruiting 戴蒙 as his No. 2 at the bank before McCoy left with the eventual goal of succeeding him at the bank, 根据麦考伊的书, ”事情是这样的,该片于2018年上映.

“我立刻就喜欢上了这个人,”麦考伊这样评价戴蒙. “我们的性情显然不同, 但他拥有我急需的三样东西——精力, 激情,最重要的是, 人才.”

除了董事会成员之间的内斗, 这家银行问题重重, including multiple computer and operational systems from various mergers over the years that needed to be brought together and struggles with the bank’s First USA credit card operations, 汽车租赁业务, 商业业务和贷款质量.


“我们一度不得不裁员1万人,”他说. “Sorry, it wasn’t your fault; it was the company’s fault.”

戴蒙 was feeling heat from multiple points after taking over the top spot.

“In 哥伦布, of course everyone is trying to pressure you to do what they want. 第一银行的人想让我搬回哥伦布. First Chicago people wanted me to change the 名字 back to First Chicago,他说.

在与约翰。F. 乌尔夫, 《澳博官方网站app》的前出版商, 乌尔夫 told 戴蒙 that the bank’s headquarters should return to 哥伦布.

“我说,‘约翰,我们不会改名字的.  我们不能把它搬回来. 如果我做得好,对哥伦布来说将是伟大的. ... 我将尽我所能使它成为一个伟大的公司. 如果我做得好, 当我5年或10年后回到这里的时候, 我们会有更多的员工,’”戴蒙回忆说. “我认为他引用了我的话,事实也确实如此.”

科瑞恩汉堡, 追逐’s market leader for 哥伦布 who has worked for the bank for more than 30 years, 戴蒙说 was able to end the infighting among the various factions at the bank.

“我们现在正忙着执行客户体验,”她说. “When you focus on things that matter, all those things that don’t matter fall to the wayside.’’


2004年宣布的580亿美元的合并交易创造了, 当时, 美国第二大银行.S.

“I thought the fit was so logical and I also had done a lot of mergers,” 迪蒙称.

The merger of Bank One and 澳博官方网站app was driven by mutual interest, 迪蒙称.

It combined Bank One’s branches largely in the Midwest with 澳博官方网站app’s presence in the New York area and Texas. 他说,两家银行业务的其他部分也有关联.

当时, 澳博官方网站app was having its own set of issues following the merger between JP摩根 and 追逐 Manhattan in 2000, including its underperforming credit card operations and branch network, 迪蒙称.

“Price是对的。. 业务逻辑非常好. 执行能力将会很困难, 但有些团队以前做过,知道怎么做,他说.

尽管澳博官方网站app保留了这个名字, the buyer in effect was really Bank One so it got control of the combined bank, 戴蒙说, who became president and chief operating officer when the deal closed. 18个月后,他当上了首席执行官.

“实际上,我们是买家. ... It’s unheard of what I just said, that the smaller guy got the premium and control,他说.


“Though the merger made total sense for Bank One from a competitive standpoint, there was a widespread concern in 哥伦布 that the merger and resulting move of the corporate headquarters from Chicago to New York City would relegate the city to second- or third-tier status, 随着重要工作转移到其他地区,很容易受到裁员的影响,麦考伊在他的书中写道. 事实上,情况正好相反.”

He said 澳博官方网站app’s decision to hold its annual meeting at Polaris in 2011 underscored the bank’s commitment to 哥伦布. He also worked to assure that the jobs of employees in 哥伦布 were safe.

迪蒙称 追逐’s operations in 哥伦布 are critical to the bank’s success.

“他们所做的事情是为世界各地的跨国公司服务. 人们不认为金融服务是一种出口,但它确实是. 那里的平均薪酬在10万美元左右。. “这是因为我们在那里做的很多工作不仅仅是为了美国.S. 也为海外和高科技服务. 哥伦布 has been a great home for us, and I know it’s become a great home for a lot of people.”

This story cannot be reprinted without written permission by 哥伦布快讯.